
Source of poker.php

//set up arrays
$cardLocation = array();
$suits = array("heart", "diamond", "spade", "club");

//fill deck
for($rank=0; $rank<13; $rank++){
	//print "<br />";
	for($suit=0; $suit<4; $suit++){
		$cardLocation[$rank][$suit] = "deck";
		//print '<img style="width: 150px;" src="' . $suits[$suit] . ($rank+1) . '.png" />';

print "</p>";

//deal hand
for($player = 0; $player < 2; $player++){
	print "<h2>Player " . ($player + 1) . "'s Hand:</h2><p>";
	for($i=0; $i<5; $i++){
		$duplicate = true;

			$suit = rand(0,3);
			$rank = rand(0,12);
			if($cardLocation[$rank][$suit] == "deck"){
				$cardLocation[$rank][$suit] = "player$player";
				$duplicate = false;
				print '<img style="width: 150px;" src="' . $suits[$suit] . ($rank + 1) . '.png" />';
	print "</p>";

Evaluate Poker Hand

Build a program that evaluates the hands to see who wins! I'll help get you started...

To Do:
1. Check for pairs
2. Check for three of a kind
3. Check for four of a kind
(HINT: Count how many PLAYER values in each RANK, then you can do a numpairs, numthrees, numfours to store how many two, three and four of a kinds you have)

2. Check for flushes.
(HINT: Count how many of each SUIT PLAYER has. If five of any, they have a flush)

3. Check for straights.
(HINT: Straights are easiest to do with plain if statements)

<p><a href="cards.php">deal</a></p>